Post by riches on Mar 20, 2015 21:53:56 GMT
1. Character Name/Class/MS(OS):
2. Link to your Armory: -willbe geared and enchanted, Have been changing gear quite fast and unable to keep up.
3. We raid Tues/Wed/Thurs/Sun 730-1130 CST. We raid a lot of hours but our progression will show for it. Can you maintain 90%+ attendance?
4. What is your OS? Are you proficient with it?
Destro/Aff I can play all specs well and always continue to better myself.
5. Link to your Warcraft Logs.
I have been back for 3 weeks since release, I currently do not have logs, but am willing to get this week if you can hold out.
6. Screenshot of your UI during combat.
Will send
7. Having quality internet during raid is important.Go to and paste the link to the results.
8. We have a highly inappropriate mumble/guild chat. Are you ok with extremely vulgar language? And do you have Mumble and a mic?
9. What made you want to apply to Slacker?
I have been looking and working on getting gear to join a mythic oriented guild, I feel that once I become equal in gear Ican become great asset to the guild, with my knowledge of class, mechanics and overall performance.
10. Why are you leaving your current guild?
Just joined, Looking for solid progression guild with solid players. I find that playing with better players always forces me to become better myself.
11. Tell us about your raiding history, start with your earliest raiding XP and all the way up to current content.
I have raided BC up till Now, Including some server first kills on old server and a top 10 us Ranking in SoO, I believe i am around 50 on one fight now.